Atlas Mobile (by area)

  • CSV
  • Internet
  • Mobile

Description :

These CSV files give, for every administrative area (identified by its NIS code), the percentage (divided by 100) of territory (t_), population (p_) and households (h_) covered by a certain technology and quality of the signal, detailed by provider and in different layers: outdoor coverage (_1), indoor coverage (_2) and deep indoor coverage (_3).

Quality barometer

  • CSV
  • Internet
  • TV
  • Telephone

Description :

These CSV files give, for landline providers, various metrics used in our quality barometer. The metrics are expressed in percentages except for "helpdesk_time.AVERAGE" (seconds), "repair_delay.PERCENTILE_95" (hours) and "repair_delay.PERCENTILE_80" (hours). Each file represents a semester.